Saturday, July 11, 2009

Zululand Tree Lodge

This trip we stayed at the Zululand Tree lodge. It was very nice--we slept in netted beds to prevent us from malaria infested mosquito bites. In the winter the weather is cool, so mosquitos aren't really a problem. It was still kind of cool to sleep in nets though.

This is a huge termite mound. I am not sure what is going on inside this mound, but I am pretty sure I don't want to know.
This is a vervet monkey. They are everywhere in Southern Africa and quite cheeky. My dad was taking a nap one afternoon and my mom left the sliding glass door open to their deck. About a 1/2 hour into a deep sleep, some monkeys invaded the bedroom and were later chased out with some loud shouting. It was pretty funny to watch the monkeys scurry off the deck into the trees.
Nyala and Impala were all over the place at the lodge. Here is a picture of a male Nyala.
A male and female Nyala. A whole herd of them were grazing underneath our deck.