Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Pyramids at Saqqara

Here is the first pyramid every built. It is a step pyramid with 6 steps that lead towards heaven. (Only 5 steps can be seen from this pic.)

The city in the background is Memphis, it used to be the capital of Egypt and it is the oldest imperial city. The west bank was used for the pyramids and cemetaries, and the east bank was where people lived. You can see the Nile Valley in the middle.

The pyramid on the left is the bent pyramid and is 97 m tall. It was built at an angle of 54 degrees and proved to be too steep. So, they changed the angle halfway through so that it wouldn't take forever to build. The pyramid on the right is the red pyramid and is 101 m tall. It is said to be the first perfect shaped pyramid built at an angle of 52 degrees.
There are over 100 pyramids in Egypt. From Saqqara you can see a lot of them--faintly on the left side you can see the pyramids at Giza.
Here is the entrance to the pyramids at Saqqara.