Monday, July 13, 2009

Fishing on the Zambezi

We took a fishing trip on the Zambezi River above the falls. Here is a picture taken from the Zambia side of the river just above the falls--you can see the mist of the falls in the background.
The river was fast flowing and our boat had some motor issues. When Future, our captain, killed the engine at a fishing hole it took a good 5 minutes to get it started again. Luckily Future always got the engine started before the S.O.S.

We were fishing with spinners for Tiger Fish. My dad and aunt were lucky enough to catch one!
They are fighters and have huge teeth. Future said that they taste really good but they have a lot of bones. He ate this one for lunch.
On our trip we also saw this lonely elephant. He swam out to this island by himself and was probably there because he was sick and ousted from the herd. When he dies, poachers will come and take his tusks and vultures will eat the rest.
We also saw hippos--we woke these two up from their early morning nap.