Monday, July 20, 2009

The Pyramids at Giza

Here is a picture of the 3 pyramids at Giza, they are the most famous ones. The middle pyramid is the only one with the smooth surface still in tact--it is towards the top.
The Great Pyramid of Khufu or Cheops--it is 137 m tall (used to be 146 m) and weighs over 60 million tons.
They began building The Great Pyramid in 2570 BC and finished in 2589 BC--it is over 4, 500 years old! The entrances to the pyramids are all on the north faces. We were able to go inside the middle pyramid and see where the treasures were burried. No treasures remain, they were all stolen by tomb raiders thousands of years ago.
The middle pyramid is The Pyramid of Kahfre or Chephren and stands 136 m tall. The smallest pyramid is the Pyramid of Menkaure and is only 62 m tall. This probably signified weak pharonic power.
They pyramids look small from afar...until you walk up next to them and see how large the stones are! This is a huge trench on the east side of the pyramids. It was used to bury the kings boats for use in the after life.
These 3 small pyramids (mounds) are the tombs of Khufu's wife, mother and sister.
Camel rides are a must at the pyramids--there are tons for hire. I was able to sneak a quick picture before the owner saw and demanded payment.

The Sphinx is located directly east of the middle pyramid. It has a lion body and a human head of Chephren. It was built to protect the tombs/pyramids and was also defaced by some bad guys along the way.

Maybe he spent too much time picking his nose and it eventually fell off?