Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hluhluwe-Imfolozi #2

On my second trip to Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Reserve I saw lots of cool animals. Most of them are the same that I saw on my first trip but I was able to see a few new animals too. I still haven't seen any lions or leopards (to finish out the Big 5 count) but hopefully I will on trips 3 and 4. Here are some of my favorite pictures.
Here is the buffalo. Still mean, still aggressive, still ugly.

Here is a good picture of the blue wildebeest. The story is told that as God was creating all of the animals he used the 'leftovers' to make the wildebeest. He used the horns of the buffalo, the stripes of the zebra, and the body of the hyena. However, He forgot to add brains into the creation--wildebeest are said to be very stupid!
One of my favs--Burchell's zebra.
We were able to see lots of elephants this trip. This is the dominant female, the matriarch, leading the pack.
The rest of the group, crossing the road. What a cute baby!
Everybody loves a little piece.
Here is the Waterbuck, a new animal to see. They are able to swim and always retreat to the water when they are threatened. They emit a horrible oily mess from their skin when they are in the water which even deters lions from killing them.
Here is the day the baboons were repainting their house and the waterbuck stopped by. The baboons had just finished painting the bathroom (toilet seat included) when the waterbuck needed to relieve himself. Sure enough, he sat down on the freshly painted toilet seat and was scarred for life with a white toilet seat ring around his hiney.
We saw a bunch of baboons playing in the trees and along the road. These two were perched in a tree eating some sort of green fruit.