Saturday, July 25, 2009

Felucca Ride on the Nile

We decided to take a felucca ride on the Nile while we were in Luxor. There were tons of boats but not many customers since summer is the slow tourist season.

Here is our captain, Mansour, and his crew aboard the 'Humpty Dumty.' Misspelled, repainted, and still misspelled.
There wasn't enough wind to get us sailing, so we had to hitch a ride from the tug boat.

So did these other boats...there were 3 of us in tow at once.

Mansour and the other captains all love Bob Marley. The feluccas all had a Bob Marley flag or a picture on the sail, and they sang some tunes along the way.
We floated to Banana Island...we didn't get off the boat, I am sure that would have been an extra charge.