Sunday, July 12, 2009

Whale Watch

We went on a whale watch in the Indian Ocean. These Humpback Whales come up to the KwaZulu Natal area during the winter months to have their offspring. The ocean here is very warm compared to the antartic waters where they live the rest of the year.

This whale was waving to us--he kept slapping is fin on the top of the water.

A nice pic of the tail--each whale has a different pattern on its tail. It is kind of like human fingerprints. One whale slapped his tail on the surface about 6 times before going back under water.

My aunt got a great picture of a double breach. It was amazing. The whales swam pretty close to the boat, but the jumps were pretty far away.

We did see a lot of breaches, there were tons of whales in the water. They breach in order to remove parasites from their skin. After they dive back into the water birds feast on the parasites that the whales left behind.