Monday, July 20, 2009


For the 3rd week of my 'winter holiday' I traveled to Egypt. Cairo is a huge city with lots of people, traffic, and trash. There are about 80 million people that live in Egypt and 70 million (I think) of them live in Cairo. On our first day in Cairo we ventured into the middle of town to see what we could find. A local man helped us cross the street, since you just jump out in front of the cars and hope that they will stop for you.
We took a local transport boat on a short ride down the Nile. A felucca boat owner tried to give us a ride but as it turns out he was quite expensive. The Nile in Cairo was very dirty and gross.
Here is a picture taken near the pyramids, there is a fancy golf course on one side with housing units right next to it. Most of the housing buildings are unfinished and look vacant. They are left unfinished on the top so that extended family members can build on top and they all live together. Most look empty but at night you can see that they are all occupied. If you look closely, you can even see satelites on the tops of some roofs...the must get great satelite TV.
Have you ever seen Pizza Hut or KFC written in Arabic? The food chain is all over the place, so the people there must love the Colonel. I have to admit that I did eat at KFC--it was the only thing that looked somewhat familiar in the uneasy city on my first day. Don't worry, I did try the local fare at all other meals.
Across from the pyramids is the Hard Rock Cafe...not really what I expected. Where is the guitar?
Here is a picture of the market in Cairo. It is HUGE. We had 2 hours to spend there and only made it down a couple streets. They were selling a lot of junk and souvenirs made in China. I didn't even find anything worthwhile to buy--and I call myself a shopper!?