Saturday, July 11, 2009

Zululand Game Drive

Our lodge offered sunset game drives around the property. They have mostly 'non dangerous' animals except for the occassionaly rowdy white rhino. We were unable to find the pair of rhinos, but we did stumble upon some new animals.

Here is a wild ostrich, I am not sure how he got his neck to do that. I hear they make great biltong (jerky) and their hollowed out eggs are souvenirs in just about every shop.

I think this is a Bontebok-at least it is the closest thing I can find in my book to a Bontebok. I haven't seen anything like it in the game park, so it was pretty cool to see one.

We saw a few giraffe on the drive, here is the big male.

Here is the female and the baby.

This is a Fever Tree. Long ago people would sleep under the fever trees at night and somehow they always ended up with a fever. They blamed it on the trees, when in fact it was the mosquito bites that they got near the wetlands (where the trees grow) that caused them to get sick. The trees are yellowish in color which does make their bark look a bit feverish.

This is a pic of the fever tree at night, I think it looks pretty cool!