Wednesday, April 29, 2009


On my way home from visiting friends on Sunday evening, I got stuck in my first ever DUI checkpoint. I had spent the day at church and visiting in Hillcrest, a town about 12 miles north of where I live. At about 5:00 pm I was headed home and when I was about a 1/2 mile from home the traffic came to a hault. When I got to the front of the line the police officer asked if I had 'had any ciders this evening.' I had never heard that before, but I was able to spit out a 'No Sir.' Luckily he let me go, but it was pretty interesting to have a breathalizer test--thankfully the only thing I had had to drink was a diet coke and some tea! It just makes me wonder what kind of place they would throw an American with a DUI.
It seems like every road over here is being dug up. I guess that they are laying new phone lines and water pipes, so all they do everyday is dig. I think that the process would go a lot quicker if they used some heavy machinery, but they only use manual labor. Well, it just so happens that they are digging right outside of my housing complex. Of course they happen to burst a water pipe so I haven't had any water in the house since I got home from school. I think they are fixing hopefully I will be able to shower tomorrow before school!