Sunday, April 12, 2009

African Elephant

Another car told our ranger that their was an 'angry elephant' ahead, so we decided to go and check it out. You are not supposed to run away from elephants, so that they don't get used to chasing cars. This elephant, however, was masting (in heat) and was looking for a mate. We didn't want to have 'relations' with this elephant, so we decided to let him be...he did somewhat chase our vehicle for a short distance.

When elephants get mad they flare their ears out...he looked pretty ticked off.
Still pretty amazing to see an animal this big, I wouldn't want to be left alone with this dude.
This guy was with a whole herd of elephants that passed in front of and behind my little car. I think that the took a bath in a pile of mud-that is why he looks reddish in color.