Monday, April 13, 2009

Table Mountain

Here is a picture of Table Mountain from Robben Island.

This is a view looking up at the top of Table Mountain. We took a cable car up to the top and then hiked our way to the bottom. Yes, it was a rocky steep trail all the way down. My legs were killing me!

Here is a picture of part of the city below, I believe that it is Camps Bay--there was an awesome beach there.

This is a picture looking across Table Mountain at Devil's Peak.

Here is a picture from the top of the harbor and the city.
This is a Rock Dassie. They say that they kind of look like rabbits, but they look like big rodents to me. Their closest living relative is the Elephant, and I am not joking. They have collapsable rib cages that help them squeeze into tight spaces.
A picture of me at the top of Table Mountain.