Monday, April 13, 2009

More Animals

This is the Thicktailed Bushbaby that we saw at our lodge. He comes with his mates every night for dinner. This night they fed him some apples. One night they accidently had some leftover lemon meringue on some plates and the bushbabies went crazy!
Here is a male impala. He was followed by his harem. There were tons of them--I suppose they would be like antelope to us.
The female impala.
This is a Chacma Baboon. There were about 10 of them, adults and babies, playing in the road on our way out of the park.
Here is a warthog. Pig-like but with horns and warts. The males have two sets of warts and the females only have one set of warts.
The dung beetle--sick really.
This is the Forest Cobra, he is slithering along the tree. We accidently ran into this guy on our walk at our game lodge. They are pretty dangerous, luckily we didn't know what he really was until afterwards.