Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I had a three day weekend because Friday was 'Workers Day' in South Africa. I am not really sure of the significance of Worker's Day, but it was nice to have the day off. I spent my weekend at Castleburn Lake in the Drakensberg Mountains. It is in the southern part of the mountain range which they call Underberg.

The mountains don't really look that similar to our mountain ranges, but the scenery was still beautiful.
The mountain off to the right in the picture is known as Castleburn because it looks like a castle. The Zulu name for the mountain peak means 'rotten teeth.'The weather was very nice during the days and the evenings were cool. The house where we stayed had under-floor heating, so it was warm and cozy. We stayed in a very nice 4 bedroom home that was right on the lake. We took hikes around the lake, went out on the boat, and just relaxed.
On Saturday we went to the Drakensburg Gardens, a World Heritage Site, and hiked around the mountains for about 2 1/2 hours. Inside the park they had a golf course, cottages, a lake and lots of hiking trails. It was very pretty too.
On our hike we stumbled upon a huge group of baboons. We were all quite nervous at first as the baboons can be quite aggressive, especially the alpha male. I guess that they have been known to attack humans. There was a story in the newspaper today about a baboon in Cape Town that walked right into a house, opened the fridge and took food, went after a few people in the house, and then walked out the front door. They are a 'protected' species, but supposedly you can kill them in self defense. Definitely a different kind of robber than you usually hear about. As we walked by, the baby baboons ran off down the hillside into the small forest. This one stayed and watched us walk by. I'm not going to lie--I was a little nervous.