Monday, April 13, 2009

The Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point

We started our drive around the cape and our first stop was Hout Bay. It is a big fishing area and famous for its Fish & Chips.
Here is some of the local restaurants 'main dish' for dinner. They threw the frozen fish in the back of this pick-up. Yum!
Here is a picture of one of the light houses in the area. I forget where this one was.
On our way to the Cape of Good Hope we saw some wild ostriches. I am not sure how 'wild' they really are, but they seem to produce about 5 billion eggs that people can buy as souvenir's.
Here is the Cape of Good Hope.
I am not sure why the Cape of Good Hope is significant other than what it says below. It was really sunny, it was hard to keep my eyes open for the picture!
This is Cape Point. It is different than the Cape of Good Hope--again, I am not really sure of its significance. Some people say that it is where the Indian and Atlantic Ocean's meet, but my travel book says that isn't true. But it is very neat looking--and so they made it into a tourist trap. Our next stop was Simon's Town. They are known for their African Penguin population.
These penguins are only found in Africa, and they were originally called Jack Ass Penguins because of the donkey sounding noise that they make.
They look basically like normal penguins that we see at the zoo, but they have a pink splotch around their eyes.