Monday, February 16, 2009

Sweet Ride

Here is a picture of the car that I am driving. It is a Hyundai Getz and gets great gas mileage compared to my Explorer. I can fill up for about $20 and drive for about 3 weeks. I am also becoming an expert stick shift driver. I can parallel park this baby and even back it up a little hill to park it at school. Notice the red L in the back window…which stands for learner driver (I think that it stands for loser driver.) I suppose I could take it out since I am now an ‘expert’ driver, but I think that I will keep it in for a few more weeks just to be sure. One funny thing about driving over here is the stop lights, which they call robots. The lights can be on the left, right or both sides of the street, none of them hang over the street. Often times the lights are burnt out or are not working because thieves steel the copper pipe inside the pole because it is worth a lot of money. So, the street crews have to replace the copper pipe only to have it stolen again in the future.