Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today I went to Pietermaritzburg with the Dyers, Glenda’s parents. We drove for about an hour to their nephew’s house. They have a nice plot of land, I think about 4 acres, and have a pool, and small damn for paddling their kayaks, and a lot of old cars. Wayne’s newest purchase is a double decker bus from London. It is apparently gross and disgusting inside from vandals before he got it, but it still runs and occasionally the brakes still work. We had a wonderful lunch with the family and then drove home. Pietermaritzburg is very similar to other towns in Durban, just a little cooler since it is further from the coast.
One thing that is great about living in a different country is meeting different people. I think that one of the best ways to see what it is really like in a foreign place is to meet people and see how they live, what they eat, and to spend time with their family. All of my experiences so far have been great and I have met a lot of wonderful people.