Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Alien Fruit

I tried a new fruit today, the litchi. I like to call it the alien fruit. It sort of looks like a really prickly strawberry on the outside, then on the inside it is kind of iridescent white. Once you peel the litchi it is kind of slimy like an alien egg or something. You pop the whole thing into your mouth and spit out the pit. They have a flavor unlike anything I have ever tasted. Good, but different. I have also tried litchi juice and bought some litchi yogurt. I hope that it is desirable! I haven't found any litchi's in the grocery store, but you can buy them from people off the street...I wonder where they come from?!

Here is one litchi, they are pretty small.

Here is the peeled litchi--the alien egg!

Here is the pit of the litchi.