Monday, February 16, 2009

More on School

Here are a few more pictures from school. This is a picture of the gymnasium. There are no bleachers for spectators, so they must play all sporting events elsewhere. I am not sure what the wooden ladder type things are on the side of the wall, a former student told me that they were really old and they never used them when she was in school. She didn’t really know what they were either, she thought pull-ups or something. This is not quite like the Grizzly Den…but come to think of it I am not sure if they even have a mascot. Here are two of the gates at school. Yes, the students and staff are actually locked in during the day! This is the main entrance to the school with the two 24 hour security guards. The gates are opened at about 6:30 am and are closed soon after. There is an intercom that buzzes the main office if you are a visitor and security needs to double check that you are allowed to come in. There is also a ‘door’ entrance to the gate for foot traffic in the morning when kids come to school. This gate is where I park my car. The gate is opened at about 6:30 am and is locked for the night at about 4:30 pm. So, I must leave school (or at least move my car) by 4:30 pm otherwise I will have no way to get home and I will have to spend the night there.