Thursday, March 5, 2009


I went away to Seula for the 8th grade retreat. Girls did team building activities such as rock climbing, building a raft (which they couldn’t sail because the river was too high), a ropes course, absailing (we call it rapelling) and some other activities.
These girls ended up having a huge mud fight...I am just glad that they didn't come and attack me! That mud smelled disgusting--they call the mud pit the hippo pond.
There was also a swimming pool that we used to cool off from the heat. It was great!
Here are girl is rapelling down the cliff. Below her is the river, some girls were too freaked out to do it.
This picture was taken on the morning we were leaving. Out of no where, a zebra is just chilling on the hill side. It wasn't a big deal to the girls, but I have never seen a zebra out in the wild. I guess that it would be similar to seeing deer or antelope on the side of the road. I can't wait to see more wildlife if the game parks!