Monday, March 16, 2009

The Drakensburg Mountains

Here are some pics of the Drakensberg Mountains. They are not quite like our mountains, but pretty just the same. This area is more of a valley with a river flowing through the middle.
The Mondi paper company has purchased much of this land and planted pine trees all over to use for paper. Since the trees are not indigenous to the area, they drink up too much water and ruin the soil. Here, the trees were recently cut, the land burned, and new trees were planted. They will re-harvest these trees in about 12 years. There is a wasp that has been killing some of the pine trees, so most of the trees that were cut are not suitable for paper. They used most of the trees in this area to make pallets.
Off in the distance there is a small village. We got to go into the village and see what it was like…of course I didn’t bring my camera on that trip. There were quite a few people that lived in the village, even though it looked really small. There are about 700 1st-7th graders that attend the school. If the kids want to go to high school they must walk about 3 hours (one way) to where the nearest high school is. So, not many kids go to school beyond the 7th grade unless they are very determined. The grandparents usually farm and take care of the children during the week while the parents work in the cities and come home on the weekends. There would be about 4 houses/shacks in a row that were occupied by a family. Each family had some chickens or goats, some corn and other vegetables. They had to raise enough crops for the entire year to survive. It was very interesting to see.
Here is a picture of the National Flower of South Africa--the Protea. It grows on a tree.