Monday, June 1, 2009


I am the teacher in charge (not coach) of volleyball for the term. Here is our practice field, they play on grass and not indoors. Before the season started they had to flatten out a mole hill before the girls could play. The coach and I played against the girls a couple times, two on six. It was a lot of fun and a great work out! We also beat the team of 6, so that was even better.

Here is a pic from our first match at Westville Girls High School. It was nice because it was very close to my house. The seniors (10-12th graders) won in two matches, and the juniors (8-9th graders) lost in two matches. The girls do not have uniforms for games. They wear their 'PE Kit' which consists of a Girls High t-shirt and shorts. When it gets cold they will probably wear their 'track suits', which would be like our warm-ups. I am pretty sure that 70 degree weather is not cold enough to warrant a track suit, but when you are used to 85 and high humidity it does feel a bit cool!You have to be careful when hitting the ball--if you get a wild hit the ball lands in the pool! Over here volleyball is typically and Indian sport.