Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here are some of the great friends that I have met while I have been over here. Jacque, in the middle, works at the pharmacy as a nursing sister in the shopping center near my house. She invited me over for tea the first week I was in town and has let me become part of the family. I have become good friends with her daughter Rebecca (Bex) and the rest of the family. I am not sure what I would do without them!
Here is a picture of Bex and Rick, they came to stay with me for two weeks with their daughter Keira. Rick is in the process of renovating their house and they were going to be 'homeless' for a little while. They moved in and kept me company, it was nice to have some visitors.
Here is a picture of Keira, she is so cute with her blond curls! Bex is also pregnant with a baby boy and is due in October. Keira likes to play in my backyard and she loves the neighborhood cat.