Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Insect or death trap

Is this a 'tiger moth' or malaria stricken mosquito? I am not sure what it is but I want it to leave the front of my house!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It takes about 2 weeks to send/receive mail from the States. It isn't too often that I get mail, but the last two letters that I have gotten were opened. The first was a card from my mom--it was ripped open and then glued shut. Since there wasn't any money inside, I think the mail theives decided to send the letter on. The second letter, below, was opened and then taped shut by the post office. When are the theives going to reallize that you don't send cash through the mail!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Essenwood Market

On Saturday mornings there is a great market on Essenwood road. They sell just about everything you could ever want, need, and think of.

Here is a picture of the wire/bead things that many people make. They make key chains and animals out of twisted wire and string beads on them to make them colorful. In the background there are lots of paintings. Most of them are in bright red and orange colors.
Here are some pretty pillow cases made from designer fabric (or so they say.)
Here is a video of the gumboot dancers. They put on a pretty good show.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Here are some of the great friends that I have met while I have been over here. Jacque, in the middle, works at the pharmacy as a nursing sister in the shopping center near my house. She invited me over for tea the first week I was in town and has let me become part of the family. I have become good friends with her daughter Rebecca (Bex) and the rest of the family. I am not sure what I would do without them!
Here is a picture of Bex and Rick, they came to stay with me for two weeks with their daughter Keira. Rick is in the process of renovating their house and they were going to be 'homeless' for a little while. They moved in and kept me company, it was nice to have some visitors.
Here is a picture of Keira, she is so cute with her blond curls! Bex is also pregnant with a baby boy and is due in October. Keira likes to play in my backyard and she loves the neighborhood cat.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Students

Here are some pics of my students. These girls are in the summer uniform which consists of a short sleeved shirt that is white with green trim, a navy blue skirt, white socks and black shoes. They must wear their hair pulled back with a blue or black tie, no make=up is allowed (especially not shiny lips) and their socks must be folded down to a width of three fingers (not rolled.)
I wish they always studied this hard during class! This is one of my grade 10 classes.
Here are two students in my grade 11 class. They are modeling their blazers, with all of their badges and patches. The have name badges, and then pins for being mentors, captains and vice captains for various clubs/activities, and they have a green trim around their blazers signifying academic honors. I guess that it would be similar to a letter jacket, but not quite the same.
The name badge must be worn on the left side of the blazer and all girls must carry the blue duffel bag with their books in them. No other bags are allowed to be carried in the school.
Here is a picture of the winter uniform. Students must wear a long sleeved white shirt, blue and green striped tie (that has at least 6 green stripes showing...some girls try and wear their ties about 3 inches long,) a navy blue jersey (sweater,) a blazer, and black stockings (you can also wear the 'summer' socks.) If you wear your jersey, you must wear your blazer over the top of it when you are outside school grounds. You also cannot eat any food when you are in your uniform outside of school grounds unless you are at a proper sit down restaurant.
My grade 11 class--great students.


I am the teacher in charge (not coach) of volleyball for the term. Here is our practice field, they play on grass and not indoors. Before the season started they had to flatten out a mole hill before the girls could play. The coach and I played against the girls a couple times, two on six. It was a lot of fun and a great work out! We also beat the team of 6, so that was even better.

Here is a pic from our first match at Westville Girls High School. It was nice because it was very close to my house. The seniors (10-12th graders) won in two matches, and the juniors (8-9th graders) lost in two matches. The girls do not have uniforms for games. They wear their 'PE Kit' which consists of a Girls High t-shirt and shorts. When it gets cold they will probably wear their 'track suits', which would be like our warm-ups. I am pretty sure that 70 degree weather is not cold enough to warrant a track suit, but when you are used to 85 and high humidity it does feel a bit cool!You have to be careful when hitting the ball--if you get a wild hit the ball lands in the pool! Over here volleyball is typically and Indian sport.

The South African Superbowl

Saturday night was almost the equivalent to our Superbowl. I went to Waxy O'Connors, the Irish Pub on the corner, to watch the Super 14 Championship rubgy match. The Super 14 consists of teams from South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. It was between the Pretoria Blue Bulls (Blou Bulle in Afrikaans) and the New Zealand Chiefs.
The place was packed, we called ahead to get reservations so that we could sit outside and watch the game on the big screen. They previously had a nice flat screen tv that they carried in and out everyday so that no one would steal it. The big screen was nice and much easier to see than the tv.

The Bulls won 61-17, they killed the Chiefs! It was a blowout! Everyone was cheering for the Bulls, they beat the Sharks (Durban's team) two weeks earlier. The Bulls beat the Sharks in the finals last year.
I did order some wings to eat, but they weren't nearly as good as Coach's. They don't have ranch dressing to dip them in either...or blue cheese. I was able to enjoy a nice American brew...MGD--it's as close as you can get to a Bud Light.