Sunday, December 6, 2009

Dance Contest

Abbot Laboratories hosted their year-end party with a dance contest by its Humira patients. There were 6 contestants, 3 from Cape Town, 1 from Joburg, 1 from Pretoria, and 1 from Durban (me!)

John and Tasha arriving on the red carpet.

The band that opened the show and ended the party. They were great!

Emcee Darren Scott from East Coast Radio
His co-host and judge ''Beauty"
My dance!

I didn't win, but I had lots of fun!

Me and my dance partner, Armand
All of the participants doing the Humira Dance--'Are we human or are we dancer' by the Killers.
John, Natasha & Amanda
Twins? No, just sisters.
The beautiful flowers I got.
I was so glad that Tasha and John could come and watch!