Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Castleburn #2

I was able to go to the Drakensberg Mountains with Maureen and the Hill family for a second time. It was beautiful! The days were very warm and the nights were very cool. We went on a hike, played tennis, relaxed and ate a ton.
Here is a picture of the lake with the mountains in the background.

Here is the nice house we stayed in. Kathleen is at the front door.
Egyptian Geese are everywhere. They like to sit on top of the house and wake you up in the early hours of the morning.
One tried to come inside the house to find some eats.
Here is Maureen and Kathleen at our normal spot for morning tea.
Maureen, Richard & Kathleen in front of the Vito. We had a nice weekend at Hillroc--I wish I could have stayed longer!