Friday, August 7, 2009

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day at Durban Girls' High. The students had a standardized test for the first hour of school, a 30 min break, and then we started sports day.

Here is a picture of the track. A nice turfed track, 212 meter long.

The field events took place yesterday after school, only running events were today. Notice the straight lanes.

Here is a picture of the entire student body, with the students are separated by houses. There are 5 houses, Selborne, Connaught, Milner, Buxton, and Athlone. All competitors had to wear their house color, purple, blue, yellow, green, or red.

My house is Connaught, not to be confused with cannot (even though they sound the same with an english accent.) Our cheerleaders are in front, we won the spirit award this year.

Here are the competitiors for the 1500 m race. Most runners don't wear any shoes...for any event.

Here are the Drum Majorettes or 'Drummies.' They took 1st place in South Africa in 2008 and 1st place in KwaZulu Natal (our province) in 2009.