Thursday, January 15, 2009

My New House

This is my backyard. The community caretaker, Wiseman, came by today and mowed the lawn. It hadn't been mowed in 3 weeks and was still shorter than our lawns in CO. There are a lot of nice flowers and plants--very tropical!
This is my living room. I have 4 TV channels that are mainly spoken in Zulu. I was able to watch Oprah and The Young and the Restless in english before the Zulu news came on. I wonder if they will air Grey's Anatomy in english??
This is my kitchen/laundry room.
This is my front door/dining room.
This is my sweet bedroom. At night you have to sleep with the windows open, since it is so hot. Glenda advised me that if a cat jumps through the window--just send it right back out. Ahh!
This is my front door.
This is the gate outside my front door. There is a little porch with a bird bath. I have 3 different keys to use to get into my house. There are also 2 different keys to get out the back door, 2 to get out the kitchen door, one to get into the garage, and another to open the back gate. I have so many keys it is hard to keep track of them all. But, at least I know that I am safely locked into my house. I just hope that I never accidently get locked out!
This is what my house looks like from the parking lot.