Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Apartheid Museum

We went to the Apartheid Museum in Joburg. We learned a TON about what South Africa was like before, during, and after Apartheid.
Apartheid: The system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race in force in South Africa. 1948-1991.
Apartheid ended in 1994...only 15 years ago. The country has come a long way since then.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that enhances the freedom of others." Nelson Mandela
There was a Nelson Mandela exhibit there too. It gave the life story of Madiba including all of the triumphs and tragedies.

Dance Contest

Abbot Laboratories hosted their year-end party with a dance contest by its Humira patients. There were 6 contestants, 3 from Cape Town, 1 from Joburg, 1 from Pretoria, and 1 from Durban (me!)

John and Tasha arriving on the red carpet.

The band that opened the show and ended the party. They were great!

Emcee Darren Scott from East Coast Radio
His co-host and judge ''Beauty"
My dance!

I didn't win, but I had lots of fun!

Me and my dance partner, Armand
All of the participants doing the Humira Dance--'Are we human or are we dancer' by the Killers.
John, Natasha & Amanda
Twins? No, just sisters.
The beautiful flowers I got.
I was so glad that Tasha and John could come and watch!

The Garver's Arrive!

After 24+ hours in transit, John and Natasha arrived in Joburg! We had lots of fun at the pool, the casino, and at the dance contest. I'll meet up with them again in Cape Town next weekend. I hope that they aren't too afraid of travelling around Africa by themselves!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thank You Party

Rick, Rebekah, Daniel
& Keira

Maureen & Lynne
Shannon & David
Clive, Duncan, Richard, Kevin & Kathy
Len & Elaine
Jacqui & John
N'im & Deen
Kathy & Jaan
Matt, Tracey & Hannah
Ryan, Chris & Megan
Pam & Barry
Rob & Suzanne
Bev, Nicky & Roxanne
Sean, Jane & Julia

Thanksgiving #2

Kathy, Maureen & Clive
Duncan, Richard, Shannon, David, Kevin & Lynne
Another wonderful Thanksgiving. I was stuffed again!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Escargot Anyone?

Here is my new friend...the 5 inch snail. I found him crossing the lawn yesterday morning.
I'm not sure where he was going or where he came from...I am miles from the beach.
Escargot? He would definitely take more than one bite.

Thanksgiving #1

Thanksgiving at the Rencken's home. We even sat around the table and told everyone what we were thankful for.

Theo carving the turkey. There was tons!

Shelley getting ready to roast the spuds

Kirsten, SA's own Betty Crocker!

Megan and Nicola

The pudding---we call it dessert. Chocolate pecan pie, pumpkin pie, ice cream and cream. YUM!!
The goods. I was so full!
Theo, Shelley, Ryan, Megan, Chris, David, Nicola, Amanda, Kirsten & Morne.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Happy Birthday

My 11th graders brought in snacks for my birthday.
My students made me cards and bought me some presents. They were all so sweet!
I went to dinner at the Rencken's house. Talk about lots of good food! The cupcakes were the best!
Blowing out my candles.
My birthday present that was waiting for me at home.
Another birthday dinner at Taco Zulu, I needed some Mexican food! It wasn't that great...I need some Taco Bell!
My birthday a wine glass. This Is Africa.
My birthday present from Morne. Sorry about the sideways video, I wasn't able to turn it. What a MAN!