Monday, January 18, 2010

The End

I had a wonderful time living and teaching in South Africa for the year. I hope that you enjoyed seeing all of my pictures and getting a small experience of life on the other side of the world. Have a great and exciting 2010!

Last Trip to Hluhluwe

One of my favorites, Burchell's Zebra

This one looks pregnant...her stomach is so lopsided!

A giraffe peeking through the trees


Blue Wildebeest


A croc--the only predator we saw one day.

And last but not least...guess what was hiding in the tree?
A leopard! He was amazing! He had killed an impala, drug it up the tree, and was feasting on it.

Ubizane Game Reserve

We started off our game drive experience at the 'Safari Lodge.' We spotted some awesome animals! We saw a family of rhinos

Here is the son and father
We got really close, he was awesome!
Rhino's can't see very well, but they have a great sense of smell.
Here are some zebras chatting to each other
A TALL giraffe!

Last Trip to Cape Town

Here is a view of the bay from Chapman's Peak Drive. This is the first time that I was able to drive that way, the other times were all too windy.

There were baboons everywhere. I don't see any in this picture though.

This is the only zebra that would hold still long enough to get our picture taken with it.

It was near Simon's Town on the way to the Cape of Good Hope.

Boulder's Beach, known for its African Penguins

They have signs for everything!

Apparently they need case some people couldn't figure it out on their own.

Cape Point--right by the Cape of Good Hope
This is Danger Point, there was a light house for all of the ships that pass by. It was super windy and misty--it looked pretty dangerous out there in the water.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Apartheid Museum

We went to the Apartheid Museum in Joburg. We learned a TON about what South Africa was like before, during, and after Apartheid.
Apartheid: The system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race in force in South Africa. 1948-1991.
Apartheid ended in 1994...only 15 years ago. The country has come a long way since then.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that enhances the freedom of others." Nelson Mandela
There was a Nelson Mandela exhibit there too. It gave the life story of Madiba including all of the triumphs and tragedies.

Dance Contest

Abbot Laboratories hosted their year-end party with a dance contest by its Humira patients. There were 6 contestants, 3 from Cape Town, 1 from Joburg, 1 from Pretoria, and 1 from Durban (me!)

John and Tasha arriving on the red carpet.

The band that opened the show and ended the party. They were great!

Emcee Darren Scott from East Coast Radio
His co-host and judge ''Beauty"
My dance!

I didn't win, but I had lots of fun!

Me and my dance partner, Armand
All of the participants doing the Humira Dance--'Are we human or are we dancer' by the Killers.
John, Natasha & Amanda
Twins? No, just sisters.
The beautiful flowers I got.
I was so glad that Tasha and John could come and watch!

The Garver's Arrive!

After 24+ hours in transit, John and Natasha arrived in Joburg! We had lots of fun at the pool, the casino, and at the dance contest. I'll meet up with them again in Cape Town next weekend. I hope that they aren't too afraid of travelling around Africa by themselves!