Every Tuesday there is an assembly for 10-12th graders and every Wednesday for 8-9th graders. Once the girls are seated in the Hall, the staff is seated on stage, and the management team is in ‘graduation robes’ at the front of the stage, the assembly starts. It begins with everyone singing a song from their hymn books, that the girls must carry with them at all times (and they may not use as a fan during the assembly despite the sweltering temps!) They also sing the Lord’s Prayer and then the Head Mistress greets everyone. Two prefects then read a lesson (often from the bible) and say a prayer. Then the Head Mistress talks about the weeks events and expectations of the girls. It is very interesting and intriguing to see the discipline and traditions that are upheld.
This is a picture of the students in the hall, and the staff is located on the stage. Some of the prefects are in the aisle guiding students where to sit.
Here is the Head Mistress addressing the students, the prefects also sit on the stage facting the other students.
Here is a picture of the students eating during break in the tuck shop area.
Some girls eat on the playing fields--the grassy area here is the netball court and beyond the shrubs in the distance is the hockey field.
This is a movie of the school assembly with all of the girls singing.